Alexeatis •Sel Noir d'Hécate Blend Soap


Alexeatis •Sel Noir d'Hécate Blend Soap


Named after one of the epithets of Hekate, Alexeatis means, ‘The Averter of Evil’ as she is the Guardian, the bringer of power, and healer/protector against malefic forces.

Our hand crafted soap was created and intentioned during the lunar eclipse, the Goat’s Milk based soap is packed with rich moisturizers, vitamins, and minerals your skin craves, combined with the purest ingredients including Frankincense, Rosemary, and Herbes de grâce mixed with Sel Noir d'Hécate, our Lustration Blend Soap helps ground and center your mind and spirit, banishing any malevolent spirit, person, or intention, made in-house specifically for releasing attachments or pushing things out of your auric field.

  • Connecting Heaven and Earth, the Black Hojari frankincense resin tears are hand ground in house and can help prevent wrinkles and lift and tighten skin to stop or reverse the signs of aging, promotes cell regeneration and keeps your cells and tissues healthy.

Because it’s a natural astringent, it also helps reduce acne blemishes and the appearance of large pores. The skin benefits of frankincense do not stop with the face, as you can apply it anywhere you experience sagging skin, from your arms to your abdomen to your knees.

This is a wild collected resin from trees naturally producing the gum in their environments and not from deliberately damaged farmed trees.

  • Rosemary is filled with antioxidants that help fight free radical damage to the skin. Antioxidants protect your skin cells from photodamage caused by sun exposure and environmental pollutants and prevent skin aging.

This herb also contains strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties that help fight acne.

  • Herbes de grâce, commonly known as Rue, (famous in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where its local name is ጤና አዳም: "Tena adam"/Health for Adam), Rue is also a common ingredient in witchcraft and spell making, as well as during the Middle Ages it was a symbol of recognition between witches.

Hasidic Jews also were taught that rue should be placed into amulets to protect them from epidemics and plagues.

Other Hasidim rely on the works of a famous Baghdadi Kabbalist Yaakov Chaim Sofer who makes mention of the plant "ruda" (רודה) as an effective device against both black magic and the evil eye.

  • Black salt, popularly known as kala namak in India is one ingredient that has been an integral part of Ayurveda due to its numerous medicinal properties.

Use of black salt can help you to relieve dry and itchy skin as well as serious skin ailments such as eczema and psoriasis.

It naturally declogs the pores, improves circulation in the skin and hydrates the tissues so that your skin can heal.

Our soap contains a combination of Charcoal with the Black Salt and acts as a gentle body scrub, as it increases blood flow on the skin therefore imparts a healthy glow.

It acts in perfect concert as a cleanser before applying any moisturizer or primer as it decreases the appearance of large pores and fine lines

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