Aura Alchemy Love Spray


Aura Alchemy Love Spray


Our Aura Alchemy Love Blend is the first of three in our Love Range- Love is such a big thing to be described in one word. So much meaning behind it, so many kinds.

  1. Eros love, Physical love. Only in for self-benefit, not real love at all.

  2. Philos love, mental love. Where love is patient and friendship extends.

  3. Storge love, affectionate love. Fondness and awareness of brothers and sisters. 

  4. Agape love, unconditional love. Where everything is selfless, give and not take.

Our Aura Alchemy LOVE blend is a fresh mix of oils with top notes of Rose, Patchouli, and Cardamom.“This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12)

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